Thursday, April 6, 2023

Are there any biblical references that support the use of gematria calculation?

The ancient practice of Gematria is believed to have originated in Babylonia as an early form of numerology as far back as 5000 B.C. Gematria is the system by which numerical equivalents are assigned to letters and words which in turn are used to analyze and interpret biblical passages. Many traditional Jewish commentaries on the Hebrew Bible make reference to Gematria, though they never offer any detailed explanation on how the system works or how its insights are derived.

Though there are no biblical references that list out how gematria calculation should be used, there are several references throughout the Bible- both in Christianity and Judaism- that strongly suggest its use was adopted by various ancient cultures:

In the book of Isaiah, it states: "All these things will I number unto thee, according to their number". This verse is often seen as a suggestion from God regarding a numerical system used for interpreting Scripture. Such a reading extends similar teachings from other passages like in Proverbs: "Let another praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thy own lips". This could be interpreted as an instruction to look beyond surface meaning and seek out deeper understanding through numerical analysis.

The Book of Revelation also contains several references which heavily imply the use of Gematria: "He that has understanding let him count the number of the beast" and "And he shall speak great words against the Most High… His number is 666" In particular, Revelation 13:18 reads: "Calculate the number of it; for it is man's number: His number is six hundred sixty-six" This verse appears to be directly calling upon readers to engage with gematria calculation as a means for discerning deeper underlying meanings within scripture.

See more about gematria calculator

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